
Cosmo Kundli is one of the first software which canbring the revolution in the astrology sector thistechnological advancement will bring the change inthe practice of the astrology as we propose thatCosmo Kundli via unique approach of Veda and itsScience. Cosmo Kundli is an organization, which willfocus on the software service to outreach thetraditional knowledge of the astrology to the societyfor the welfare. We wanted to widespread JYOTISH(Astrology), AYURVED, VASTU and many othertraditional knowledges so that our vedas knowledgecan beuseful for the development of society for thelarger good.

We are focused on the technological advancementfor the astrology. Our approach towards the Veda andits science is very scientific. Our extensive researchfor the various approach is only exercised oncedesired result and satisfaction by the bench ofexperts obtain. This Market currently has a lot ofvagueness, and the market cannot deliver the preciseresults. But with the help of technology involvementour vision and mission will be easy to obtain. Thisinnovation willhelp improve the market. Currently,during the product validation, we have more than 100+ astrologers connected with us. This evergrowingnumber of users shows the scalability is round.

CEO Background

The founder Mr. Maulik Bhatt, true devotee of traditional knowledge and him-self world renowned JYOTISHI (Astrologer) is working since 1999. Having rich experience and understanding of situation related to traditional knowledge in this era Mr.Bhatt came with concept of CosmoGuru in 2009. Profound understanding and great experience of Mr Maulik Bhatt played vital role for CosmoGuru to work from grassroot and research on SHASTRA and Science. Mr. Bhatt though being Science graduate and with his tudies of engineering was engaged in YAGNA and different SHASTRA. Belongs to BHRAMIN family having more than 200 years old ancient ancestral temple with millions of followers Mr.Bhatt start his journey from his birth.

Vision - the Soul of CosmoGuru

The World with Traditional Knowledge

Mission – the Mind of CosmoGuru

The Pursuit of Truth with Shastra & Science, Bringing it to the World

Values – the Behavior of CosmoGuru

Ethics – Ethics is our core value
Care – Care of whole Universe
Optimized – Optimized by the era

Initiative – the Body of CosmoGuru

1. Cosmo Research Foundation
Genuinely research oriented Non-Profitable Organization of CosmoGuru group

2. CosmoGuru Institute
Pure Educational Organization of CosmoGuru group

3. CosmoGuru Pvt Ltd
Truly Professional Organization of CosmoGuru group

4. Cosmo TV
Infotainment Channel of CosmoGuru group

5. CosmoTrip
Knowledge gaining tour like Sky Watching, Natural and Historical Site visit

6. CosmoTalk
Knowledge Program which conduct Seminars and Workshops

7. CosmoCamp
Consulting Camps of Ayurved, Jyotish, Vastu etc.

8. CosmoFiesta
Events like Exhibition, Cultural Activities etc.

8. CosmoSamvad
Magazine and Books of CosmoGuru group